
Upcoming Storytimes

Toddler Time
(for 19 mo. - 36 mo.)

Monday, January 6th at 10AM

Join us as we read stories, do fun activities, and play together! This drop-in program is approximately 30 minutes long followed by 20 minutes of playtime. 

Art & Stories
(for ages 3 - 5)

Tuesdays, January 7th & 21st at 10AM

Join us for a short story time followed by an art project. We will explore simple art concepts and experiment with materials. Please wear clothing that can get messy! 

Baby Storytime
(for birth - 18 mo.)

Thursdays, January 9th & 23rd at 10AM

Join us as we learn a little American Sign Language, read stories, sing fun songs, and play together! This program is approximately 30 minutes long followed by 20 minutes of playtime.

Upcoming Special Programs

Grow, Play, & Learn
(ages birth - 2 & ages 3 - 5)

Wed. & Fri. at 9:30AM (ages birth - 2)
Wed. & Fri. at 10:30AM (ages 3 - 5)

Stories, songs and skill building, led by an Early Childhood Developmental trained staff member, guiding caregivers in strengthening interactions with their child.

This program is provided by Pathways for Parents. If you have siblings in each age group please come to the older group held at 10:30AM.

Family Take & Make Craft
(for all ages)

First day of the week - while supplies last

A new take & make craft will be available each week this month while supplies last.

Upcoming crafts include: Doily Snowman, Yeti Shaker, Clothespin Penguin Puppet, and Groundhog Magnet

Pre-K Pals
(for ages 2 - 5)

Mondays in January at 1PM
(No class on January 20th)

Each week, we will focus on an area of development and provide fun activities to support your child to learn through play.

Open LEGO Building
(for grades 5 - 6)

Tuesday, January 7th at 4PM

Show off your Lego building skills! Use Legos to build something awesome. Creations will be on display in the Children’s Room. Registration is required.

Music & Movement
(for ages 2 - 5)

Every Wednesday in January at 3:30PM

This group will incorporate moving our body while using songs that may focus on following directions, using your five senses, and exploring your body in relaxation to the space around it. Come enjoy this movement based group with your caregiver!

Learn in Motion
(for ages 3 - 6)

Saturday, January 11th at 11:30AM

Kids will be moving, learning and having fun! We will utilize our gross motor skills to engage in games and activities throughout this 45-minute group. Registration is required.

Open LEGO Building
(for grades 1 - 4)

Tuesday, January 14th at 4PM

Show off your Lego building skills! Use Legos to build something awesome. Creations will be on display in the Children’s Room. Registration is required.

(for grades K - 2)

Tuesday, January 21st at 4PM

Together we will make 3 fun art projects that we can take home. We will also work together to make a project that will be displayed in the library! Registration is required.

Make Galaxy Jars
(for grades 5 - 6)

Wednesday, January 22nd at 7:30PM

Come create your own mini galaxy with a few simple ingredients!

Registration is required.

Special Saturday Drop-In Craft
(for all ages)

All Day Saturday, January 25th

Come make a super fun winter themed craft. This craft will be available in the Children’s Room while supplies last and no registration is necessary.

(for grades 3-4)

Tuesday, January 28th at 4PM

Together we will make 3 fun art projects that we can take home. We will also work together to make a project that will be displayed in the library! Registration is required.

Make Paper Mosaics
(for grades 5 - 6)

Wednesday, January 29th at 7:30PM

Design your own large image, then use mini pieces to complete the image and create your own unique Mosaic! Registration is required.

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